Do you want to get 12.000€ for your business?

It’s time! We help you to get the Digital Kit, a government aid of up to 12,000 € aimed at self-employed and SMEs to digitize your business. At Alfred Smart we can help you, completely free of charge, to complete all the procedures to obtain it.

Services subsidized by the Digital Kit:

Customer and/or supplier management

Process management

Business Intelligence and Analytics

Virtual Office

Start today

What is the Digital Kit

The Digital Kit is a public aid program of the Government, financed with “Next Generation EU” funds, to promote the digitalization of companies in Spanish territory, as part of the Digital Spain 2025 agenda and the SME Digitalization Plan 2021-2025.

Aimed at companies with less than 50 employees and the self-employed, these digital bonds, of between 2,000 and 12,000 euros, can be requested through official digitalizing agents, such as Alfred Smart, to contract innovative technological solutions to optimize and boost your business.

Who is the target audience?

Alfred Smart, agent
digitizer of the Digital Kit

We help you step by step to transform and optimize your business to the maximum:

What digitalization solutions
can you contract with Alfred Smart?

I want it, what requirements
do I have to meet?

– Be an SME with up to 49 employees or be self-employed

– Be domiciled for tax purposes in Spain

– To be registered in the Census of businessmen, professionals and withholders of the State Agency of Administration
Tributaria or in the equivalent census of the Foral Tax Administration.

– Not to be considered a company in crisis
– To be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.

– Not have an outstanding recovery order from the European Commission, which has declared the aid unlawful and incompatible.

with the common market

– Not to be subject to any of the prohibitions set forth in Article 13.2 (amb link
A-2003-20977&p=20211229&tn=1#a13) of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies.

– Not to exceed the de minimis aid limit (all subsidies granted by EU states of less than 200,000 euros).

– To have the evaluation of the Digital Maturity Level according to the diagnostic test in the Acelera Pyme platform
(amb link

How to get the Digital Kit

I already have the Digital Kit

Create an “Agreement for the provision of digitization solutions” with your digitization agent, which will detail
the characteristics of the technological solutions that you will implement, their execution and development period and the amount of the digital voucher

2. Sign it before the 6 months following the date of granting of the aid.